Go Klik-Info, Sebuah pameran fotografi umumnya diadakan di dalam museum atau galeri,
namun seorang fotografer asal Jerman bernama Andreas Franke ini memiliki
ide unik yang berbeda dari biasanya.
Untuk memamerkan koleksi foto hasil ciptaannya, Andreas Franke
menggunakan sebuah kapal laut milik Amerika Serikat. Uniknya kapal yang
bernama Vandenberg itu berada di dasar laut karena tenggelam sejak tahun
2009 silam. Dengan begitu, para pengunjung diharuskan mengenakan
perlengkapan menyelam dan terjun ke dasar laut untuk menikmati kumpulan
karyanya yang menakjubkan.
If we were stuck underwater, we'd probably go crazy too. |
Ballet is easy when you're not tied down by pesky gravity.
Food always tastes better when it's moist. |
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Why won't these clothes get dry? Maybe it's the weather
Maybe underwater Muay Thai will be the next big MMA event. Or maybe not. |
Balancing acts are easy when you've got heart, desire and low gravity. |
Atlantis is, apparently, fond of two things: fitness and '80s clothing. |
Boys will be boys, and stolen underwater gumballs always taste better. |
acques Cousteau is more interesting when you live the real thing every day |
Catching butterfl -- we mean fish -- has never been easier. |
Is that Kid or Play waiting to see "Titanic" at the underwater cinema, dressed in drag? |
Ah, childhood. Riding around on your tricycle while gasping for air. |
We wonder if these divers enjoy watching others play in the ocean. |
The joy of artwork is totally enhanced when you have to work for it. Right? |
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[now.msn.com/ Go Klik-Info]
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